
Showing posts from 2010
Just saw True Grit. 9 out of 10.
This year I learned that stripping all the lights off a "pre-lit" tree is harder than it looks.
Another exciting day of Access training...ZZZzzzzzz
Church, nap, church.
Mowing, aerating, seeding and fertilizing. Just another lazy Saturday...
Avatar:The Last Airbender - disappointing. A few cool special effects, but most of the actors sounded as if they were reading their lines for the 1st time off poorly written cue cards. Not worth the money.
Last day of vacation, then off to Salt Lake City for a few days.
Ironman 2 and Olive Garden with the family. Good way to end a Sunday.
Shish kabobs on the grill, storage building painted and trimmed, deck table painted, sunday school lesson studied...overall a good Saturday.
Regards, Dean Rollo, C.P.M. Director, Commercial Procurement EnergySolutions 140 Stoneridge Drive Columbia, SC 29210 (803)758-1872 (o) (803)318-6115 (m) (803)799-4470 (f)
testing ping from skype
Testing PING
Yard mowed, deck stained, front porch primed and ready to steaks and ears of corn on the grill. Time to wind it down.
Today: worshiped at FBC Rock Hill, walked at Manchester Park, watched Angels & Demons and waved goodbye to our Clemson girl for the last month of her freshman year.
Mowing, washing and grilling...what a Saturday.

Saturday February 27

Clemson today.

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Anna's 14th B'day pic


George Rollo circa 1978


My Grandparents
